# Getting Started

This boilerplate was built as a template for vue-cli v2 (opens new window) and includes options to customize your final scaffolded app.

# Requirements

Since template use vue-cli we need to install it:

npm install -g vue-cli


If you already have installed @vue/cli, you will only need to install:

npm install -g @vue/cli-init

# Scaffolding

vue init michalzaq12/electron-nuxt <project-name>
cd <project-name>
yarn install


We currently recommend using Yarn instead of npm because npm fails to generate the correct dependency tree in some template cases.

# Available commands

Command Description
yarn dev 🚀 Run app in development
yarn build 💻 Build your app for production
yarn test:unit Run unit tests
yarn test:e2e Run end-to-end tests
yarn tests Run all tests